thing else that he would normally do with another girl — a female girl. Here again you have the situation of two kinds of knowledge, but more than that, there has been no sexual contact, between his penis and “Her” vagina, mouth, or anus. In other words no orifice has been provided. Can this be properly called homosexual? Supposing, that in return for the excitement that she has experienced she were to manually excite him, as might very well be done by a female in a similar circumstance. Does it make any difference that the person doing the exciting happens to possess a penis too, providing the man in the situation doesn't know it? In other words again, could even this form of activity be properly called homosexual?
I pose these several conditions in order to induce some thought about the matter, in the mind of the reader, because the word homosexuality is a fear word in our culture. It is something society frowns on and indi- viduals shun, and one feels very guilty about it if one thinks one is or might be considered to be by others. Even out and out homosexuals have a great load of guilt to deal with, and many of them never succeed in disposing of it or living with it. Yet it seems to me that there are a lot of activities and conditions of dress, actions, and response, which fall into the gray area which is neither hetero-sexual outright nor homo- sexual outright. Unless one can comfortably pigeonhole all forms of activity into some set of categories, then the categories are not very good. Where you have to leave out a great many situations simply because they don't fit an established category, it is reasonably obvious that the category is not very satisfactory. That is about where the whole situation stands as I see it.
Somewhat related to the problem as described so far, is the fact that whereas out and out homosexuality is strictly a sexual phenomenon, and the true femmiphile is manifesting totally genderal responses, there is a type of individual who, in effect, is both of these types at the same time, that is to say there are some individuals who either actually do or would like to live as the wife of another male. Sexually speaking this would be an acknowledged homosexual relationship by both parties. But since one of the parties is living continuously as a woman and en- joying it, she is certainly expressing the same gender appreciation that an FP would. One might think that this type of individual would be a true trans-sexual because she is wanting to live the life of a woman and a female at the same time, and yet it doesn't necessarily follow that per- sons living this way desire to have sex change surgery. As a matter of fact I think the two categories, whereas they look the same, are not. Be- cause I have met several persons who are admittedly homosexual, and